Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

We are a hardworking and vibrant Year 6 class. We work hard and strive to achieve our best in all aspects of school life. 

Our Teaching Team 

Our class teacher is Mrs Peverall and we are also taught by Mrs Harvey and supported by Miss Hodgson. 

A Typical Day in Year 6 

We start our day with a morning task to recap our learning. Children must arrive at school on time to complete this important task.

We complete independent reading everyday so it is important that child bring their reading book and reading records every day.

At the minnute, our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. PE kits must be in school as we have extra PE events sometimes and need to have our kit ready! 


For homework we ask that children read 3 times per week at home and their reading records are signed.

Spelling homework and Times Tables are set every Monday and children have until Sunday to complete these tasks. These link directly with our class work. 

During the spring and summer term we focus on SATs preparation through activities and booklets.