Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery

Hello and Welcome to Nursery!

We are 3 and 4 years old. We are the young explorers and investigators who enjoy creating, investigating, evaluating and acquiring new skills! Come and join the fun…… In Nursery, we enjoy learning through play, activities and experiences. We also have ongoing assessment which informs pupil progress, if you would like to find out more please visit

Our Teaching Team 

Miss Whitworth is our class teacher.

We are supported by Miss. Reed.

Our Learning 

 At Nursery, we believe that through providing a stimulating, calm and fun environment for all children will enable them to learn and grow! Learning is based upon first hand, practical experiences to capture and engage children. We use a mix of child-led, play-based and adult inspired learning. The adults main role is to join play and encourage, model, guidehelp and facilitate learning. In addition, we have short playful activities where we focus on specific, planned areas of learning.

We use our classroom and outdoor area as a secure base for learning and add interesting and curious resources to excite and extend their learning.

The best way to think about this is like a supermarket. All the necessities are there such as; milk and bread and occasionally there is a middle isle that has extra resources that are interesting and you don't typically see all of the time!

A Typical Day in Nursery 

 Once we have arrived and welcomed into Nursery, we then enjoy a speaking and listening activity where we share what we are going to do during the day.

After this, we have valuable play sessions where we are exploring and extending on our knowledge and skills. Adults support this by modelling and promoting language. 

At some point in the session, we come together for snack where we pour our own milk and water and enjoy delicious healthy snacks. We then enjoy a story which is our story of the week and what is used to plan the provision. 

Active Learning

 We are active every day in Nursery! Physical Development is a core curriculum area. Small children need to move, partly because it is a crucial way of interacting with the world and partly because they have constantly growing bodies to adapt to and they are instinctively practising many new skills. We have free access indoors and outdoors for most each day.  

  • Please ensure that your child always wears footwear that they can safely run, walk, clamber, crawl, climb and play in. Please  always send your child with a coat suitable for the weather. We have some waterproof trousers and wellies that your child can borrow and many children prefer to bring their own. (Please remember to name them! Thanks!) 
  • Please send a named water bottle each day, clean and filled with water. 
  • Please, please name all of your child’s clothes, especially their jumpers and shoes!