Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery

Year 4

 Welcome to Year 4!

We are a hardworking, supportive and friendly class who are looking forward to a fantastic year of learning in Year 4.

 Our Teaching Team

Our class teacher is Mr. Burdon and we are supported by Mrs. Burnside.

A Typical Day in Year 4

We start our day with reading. This is a great chance for the children to read quietly to themselves and also have regular opportunities to read to an adult.

To support with this, it is important that the children bring in their reading books and reading records every day.

At the moment, we have swimming on a Monday and PE on a Friday. PE kits must be in school as we have extra PE events sometimes and need to have our kit ready.


For homework, we ask that children read 3 times per week at home and that their reading records are signed.

Times tables homework is set weekly on ttrockstars. The tasks are set every Monday and the children have until Sunday to complete them.