Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
We are a hardworking and friendly class. We are enjoying our time in Key Stage 1 and are looking forward to all the exciting things we will experience this year!
Our Teaching Team
Mrs Cooper, Mrs Burnside, Mrs Harvey and Mrs Joyce help us to learn in Year 2.
A Typical Day in Year 2
Our class P.E. day is Tuesday with a second session taking place during the week.
Please can children bring their P.E kits into school at the beginning of term- we wear a white t-shirt, black shorts and gym shoes or trainers.
We kindly ask that your child not wear earrings and all hair is tied back.
We change reading books everyday and please sign the reading record to say you have listen to your child read,
Please send a water bottle in every day, especially in the Summer Term.
We ask that parents support pupils to read 3 times a week and practise TTRock Stars too. We feel that this well help pupils develop basic skills and will make the most impact.