Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery

SEN Transition

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.

How we will support children with SEND when they are moving on to another class or leaving this school:

Nursery to School Transition

We believe it is vitally important for children to have the best start to school life as possible. We arrange for the Reception teacher and Pupil Welfare Officer to visit the home of the children who have been given Silver Tree Primary as their school, this is to gather information on the child e.g likes/dislikes any concerns parents may have. This is then followed by visits for the child into Reception class during the July period. We then carry out a phased integration in the September into school life to help children feel happy and settled in their school career.

Transition in School

Each move from year group to year group represents a big step for a child. We support this via transition sessions in school- June/July. We also invite parents to meetings to discuss any concerns they may have. Regular communication throughout their time in school aids all transition.

Transition from Reception to Year 1

The prospect of moving from Reception to Year 1 can be an apprehensive time for both children and parents. We aim to improve this situation by clarifying some of the main aspects of change.

At Silver Tree Primary School we are committed to ensuring that the transition between Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 is as smooth and as free from difficulties as possible. To allow this to happen, a great deal of thought, preparation and planning has taken place to ensure that your child’s entry into KS1 will be both successful and enjoyable.

Information about our child

Consultation time between the Reception teacher and Yr1 teacher will take place. This provides an opportunity to pass on information about progress made, targets set, individual strengths / weaknesses, health issues and any special educational needs. Each child’s EYFS profile will form an important element of the consultation process. Information relating to each pupil’s phonic knowledge will also be shared. This allows the Yr1 teacher to group children more appropriately, and it helps to quickly identify areas of the curriculum that require more input and support so teaching and learning time can more effective.

The Curriculum

Transition also takes place during the first half term of Year 1. Although the layout of the classroom and resources may be slightly different, the types of activities and opportunities will be very similar to the experiences they accessed in reception.
Currently in Reception children take part in different activities which include:

  • Whole class teaching time on the carpet
  • Child initiated tasks
  • Teacher initiated / led tasks

The children are used to being taught as a whole class, learning on the carpet, working on tables with a teacher and in groups. By the end of the first half tem, the aim is for the whole class to have an input on the carpet and then for the whole class to sit down and carry out a related activity.

The children will also be moving onto the National Curriculum and some of the subjects are as follows:

  • Literacy (including phonics and reading)
  • Numeracy
  • Science
  • ICT
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art
  • PE


To ensure continuity, reading records / information will also be passed on. Reading will continue to take a high priority and will be closely monitored by the teacher. All children will read regularly in a variety of ways (guided reading, individually, as a class or group) both within and outside literacy sessions.


The children will continue to have regular phonics sessions. They will be set into groups which are specific to their needs. This may mean children in Year 1 are working with those in Reception to ensure they receive the appropriate level of teaching.


Children will change their home reader books everyday in school. Your child must bring back the previous reading book to be able to change it. Each pupil will be given spellings on a weekly basis and homework will be set as appropriate to the topic during the term. Please support your child by reading with them, going through their spellings and helping them complete any homework that is set.

Transition Period

Year 1 is an exciting time for your child. It is a period of rapid growth in terms of social and academic development. Particular emphasis will be given to the transition process during the first term to maximise all learning opportunities. Should you or your child be concerned about anything, please do not hesitate to contact school. Many anxieties are caused by misconceptions that can be very quickly cleared up if talked about. Likewise, if there are any difficulties being experienced at home and you feel this is or could affect your child, then please contact the school before problems occur.

Transition from Year 2 to Year 3 

The prospect of moving from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 can be an anxious time for both children and parents. We aim to improve this situation by clarifying some of the main aspects of change.

At Silver Tree Primary School we are committed to ensuring that the transition between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 is as smooth and as free from difficulties as possible. To allow this to happen, a great deal of thought, preparation and planning has taken place to ensure that your child’s entry into KS2 will be both successful and enjoyable.


Information about your child

Consultation time between the Year 2 teacher and Year 3 teacher will take place. This provides an opportunity to pass on information about progress made, targets set, individual strengths / weaknesses, health issues and any special educational needs. The KS1 S.A.T’s results will form an important element of the consultation process. Information relating to each child’s phonic knowledge will also be shared. This allows the Yr3 teacher to group children more appropriately, and it helps quickly identify areas of the curriculum that require more input and support so teaching and learning time can more effective.


It is important that all children learn to become as independent as possible and we would ask your continued support in developing this. The need to be organised will increase and your child will need to become more responsible for his / her own belongings as well as ensuring that they have brought the necessary equipment to school (i.e. swimming things, homework, reading books, musical instruments etc)


To ensure continuity, reading records will also be passed on. Reading will continue to take a high priority and will be closely monitored by the teacher. All children will read regularly in a variety of ways (guided reading, individually, as a class or group) both within and outside literacy sessions. It is very important that you do not stop hearing your child read or practise spellings simply because he or she is now in KS2. It is vitally important that they continue to read at home to develop and extend the skills acquired in school.


The children will continue to have regular phonics lessons and the children will be set into groups which are specific to their needs. This may mean children in Year 3 are working with those in Year 2 to ensure they receive the appropriate level of teaching.


Your child will be given spellings and tables to learn. Please support them with this and any other homework they may be set.


Fruit is no longer able on the governments ‘fruit for schools scheme’ to children in Key Stage 2. There is however the opportunity for the children to buy fruit on a daily basis. The fruit is sold at 15p per item. Children are also allowed to bring in their own fruit from home.

Extra Curricular Activities

One of the many advantages of being in KS2 is the availability of after school clubs. Information and details about specific clubs will be provided in the schools newsletter and texts. If for any reason after school clubs have to be cancelled, prior warning will be given. Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances this is not possible. In such cases we will endeavour to contact you by telephone or keep your child safely at school until the appointed time.

Transition Period

Year 3 is an exciting time for your child. It is a period of rapid growth in terms of social and academic development. Particular emphasis will be given to the transition process during the first term to maximise all learning opportunities. Should you or your child be concerned about anything, please do not hesitate to contact school. Many anxieties are caused by misconceptions that can be very quickly cleared up if talked about. Likewise, if there are any difficulties being experienced at home and you feel this is or could affect your child, then please contact the school before problems occur.

Primary to Secondary School Transition

We work in partnership with our feeder secondary schools to provide an enhanced level of transition for those who we feel would benefit from this. This may take the form of additional visits for pupils, one-to-one/small group working with secondary school staff or pupil mentoring from secondary schools. The period of transition depends on the individual needs of the pupil and resources at the chosen secondary school.
If it is felt appropriate, secondary school colleagues will attend Annual Reviews to meet the current class teacher, parents and most importantly the pupil. We have found this strategy particularly useful in easing any worries or concerns parents and pupils may have.

We are particularly keen to involve parents/carers as much as possible in their child’s transition to secondary school. School staff will take opportunities to work alongside parents/carers to visit secondary schools in advance of secondary placement applications being submitted to the Local Authority. This ensures parents/carers can make the most informed placement decision for their child. When a secondary school has been allocated to the child, parents are fully involved and consulted at all stages of the transition process.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.