Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery


Hello and Welcome to Reception Class!

We are 4 and 5 years old. We are the young explorers who enjoy creating, investigating, evaluating and acquiring new skills! Come and join the fun…… In Reception, ongoing assessment informs pupil progress, if you would like to find out more please visit

Our Teaching Team

Miss Ray and Miss Elsdon

We are supported in class by Miss Walker and Mrs Wilson.
Our EYFS Intent


A Typical Day in Reception

 We always start our day with a 'Wake up Shake up' song and dance.

Our morning consists of whole class phonics teaching, followed by independent learning opportunities within our indoor and outdoor provision. The children will also take part in a balance of adult directed and small group work.

An afternoon consists of opportunities to learn about the World as well as Art opportunities and Physical development.

PE day is on a Thursday.  Please ensure PE kits are in school.... labelled!!

Autumn Term

‘Our World’

This term we focus on settling into our new surroundings. We are learning about the world around us and understanding ourselves as individuals.

Spring Term 

'I Wonder...'


Summer Term

'Five Alive'


 A reading book will be set home with your child, please ensure you take time to read it with your child and complete the reading record before sending it back to school.

Exploring our fun learning environment


Active Learning

Relates to children enjoying their achievements, reaching goals that they have set out to achieve, children’s level of involvement and concentration and their willingness to ‘have a go’.

Creating and Thinking Critically

Where children choose ways to approach a situation/activity/scenario, use their own ideas and make links, applying what they already know.

At Silver Tree Primary School, we ensure children are able to experience learning linked to all characteristics through the organisation of the environment, planned activities and high quality interactions between adults and children and children and children.

Learning is based upon first hand, practical experiences to capture and engage children. Children’s learning is carefully observed to enable staff to provide next steps to support and extend the children’s learning. The children are also encouraged to plan, evaluate and extend their own learning through discussions, questioning and time provided to reflect upon learning and learning experiences.

Throughout the day in Reception children participate in a range of adult directed activities including Literacy, Mathematic, Guided group sessions and Phonic sessions. There is also the opportunity to develop their own interests and ideas through child initiated learning, during which time staff carefully observe, support and extend learning. Children also participate in weekly PE sessions, Religious Education and daily opportunities to develop interests and in the outdoor environment.