Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery

Curriculum – Maths

At Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery, we use White Rose Maths as a basis for our Maths. We adapt their suggested block planning to meet the needs of our pupils and align with our school priorities. We are committed to fostering an enthusiasm and promote a love of Maths. We teach a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum, using maths to reason, problem solve and develop understanding in each area. 

Teachers and governors are kept informed of our priorities and developments through staff updates and termly meetings with our link governor. Teachers are supported in their roles to ensure confidence in the skills and facts they are required to teach. Lessons are focused on the needs of pupils and maths is kept fun to engage pupils.

We aim for pupils to have a secure recall of key mathematical facts and a fluent understanding of calculations in all aspects of Maths. We carefully plan opportunities to enable connections to be developed between the Maths we learn in school and its real life application of Maths skills for life.

Maths in school is enhanced by class working walls which are designed to support children through each topic and also through Winning with Numbers, Times Tables Rockstars, Numbots and over the course of the coming academic year we are developing Times Tables Olympics.

To access our whole school long term plans, please follow the links below:

Autumn Term Long Term Plan

Spring Term Long Term Plan

Summer Term Long Term Plan

To view our policy, please follow the link to our School Policies Page

Quality Mark

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded a Quality Mark for English and Mathematics in recognition of our focus on improving provision, practice and performance in all areas of English and Mathematics.

We were externally assessed and this award recognises our whole school and whole staff approach to supporting our pupils and improving standards.

Please use the links below to read our full report, letter sent to parents and carers and view our award certificate.

Quality Mark Visit Report 2023 

Quality Mark Letter for Parents and Carers 

Quality Mark Award Certificate

Progress in Maths

Please use the link below to see our Progress Document.

Maths Progression Document 2023-24

Times Tables

We focus on developing times tables recall and application skills for our pupils. Pupils complete focused daily times tables tasks and this is supported through the use of Times Tables Rockstars. Pupils are able to access their Times Tables Rockstars account at home to support their learning further.

We have a carefully planned overview for the focused teaching of times tables in order to support learning in Maths which can be found by clicking the link below.

Times Tables focus overview 2023 – 2024

Useful links 

TTrockstars Website