Silver Tree Primary School and Nursery

Curriculum – Geography

In this section of the website, you will find information about our approach to teaching at Silver Tree Primary School.

  • The Intent provides information on the relevance of Geography and why we teach it in this particular way at Silver Tree Primary School.
  • The Implementation of Geography outlines how teachers at Silver Tree Primary School teach the subject across school, from Nursery to Year 6.

The Impact

  • The Progression of Geography outlines what progression looks like across school and contains, where relevant, local links
  • The Useful Subject Information section provides further information of the wider ways in which Silver Tree Primary School provides opportunities to engage with and deepen learning in this subject

Intent of Geography

Our high-quality geography curriculum is a coherent and sequential framework.

We will encourage and foster:

  • A strong focus on geographical skills and knowledge.
  • Critical thinking, at ease with difference, with the ability to ask perceptive questions, explain and analyse evidence using second order concepts.
  • A strong focus on developing fieldwork skills across each year group.
  • A pride in and understanding of our community’s geography, in comparison with other areas of the world.
  • Quality First teaching in all geography lessons, developing a growing knowledge of geographical terms, vocabulary and knowledge.

Implementation of Geography

Geography in the Early Years

Within our Early Years Curriculum there is a very strong focus on the language-rich environment and understanding our children’s own experiences. This includes beginning to use language associated with the world and communities; belonging to a community, developing a sense of geographical enquiry and developing their understanding of place.

Topics in EYFS which have a Geography focus include “Life in Different Countries”, “Seaside and Pirates” and “Autumn- environmental changes”. In Reception, pupils talk about “where they live” and explore local/simple maps. They talk about what life is like for children in other countries. They also explore the natural world around them learning about the weather and seasons.

Key Stage 1 and 2

Each unit of learning leads with an enquiry question (as recommended by the Geographical Association) and each unit sits on the knowledge previously taught. Geography is taught in weekly lessons for a six-week unit. Retrieval of knowledge is encouraged and planned into each lesson. Children will write in a variety of ways to show geographical knowledge and understanding, including reports, diagrams, maps and discussions.

Staff will receive termly support from the coordinator, through review of children’s books and planning, feedback from regional network meetings, staff training with clear focus on Humanities and other additional information. The coordinator positively encourages professional dialogue between colleagues and across phases.

There are a number of visits planned through the school year to inspire fascination and curiosity in Geography. This includes local geographical features (such as rivers and woodlands) and urban areas. These visits can be used to start of end of unit of learning, hooking the children in for further study and knowledge. Some units could involve visitors coming into school to bring geography to life for every child. We also have links to the local secondary school.

Impact of Geography

The Early Years team complete ongoing assessment of the Understanding of the world area.

The evaluation of what knowledge, skills and understanding the pupils have gained against the unit expectations is completed at the end of each topic by Key Stage One and Two. Each topic has core knowledge that pupils need to know by the end of the unit- this is on the medium term plans.

Each teacher shares their assessment with the geography lead on the medium term plans. Discussions around the next steps for the class and individuals is completed at this time.
The curriculum lead assures and ensures the quality of the education across the school. They conduct pupil voice sessions each half term to collate feedback from the learners, allowing children to share their learning experience.

Book and planning scrutiny are completed regularly. The professional dialogue is conducted with staff in a timely manner so that pupils receive the best possible geography education in each and every school year.

The curriculum lead shares and reviews the action plan with the lead governor termly. Future actions are also shared at this time.

Subject Progression

Progression of Skills- Geography 2023 24.

Long Term Plan

Geography KS1 and KS2 Long Term Plan 2023 24.

Cultural Capital, SMSC and British Values.



In Geography, we ensure:

Children will learn about key local, regional, national and international geography, including what is amazing about Ushaw Moor to why does Italy shake and roar?

Teaching students a sense of place, through local area studies and worldwide demographic studies.

Children will learn about different modern civilisations, learning about, and from, their way of life.

They will visit places of local geographical interest including: Durham City, Browney River and various locations in our village.

Geography is a subject that examines cultures from all around the world and there is a comparison to students’ own cultures in order to continue building their sense of place throughout all key stages.

There will be opportunities to explore our local area using maps and fieldwork techniques. This will include our school grounds in Early Years and Key Stage One and further afield in Key Stage Two.



Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about ourselves, others and the world around them.

Use of imagination and creativity.

Fostering curiosity for how and why places are like they are.


Encouraging children to comment on moral questions and dilemmas facing geographers and environmentalists today.
Developing open mindedness when considering the actions and decisions of people from the past or present.
Interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues in geography and the ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.


Promoting children’s own social development through working together and problem solving.

Exploring the similarities and contrasts between different societies or countries.
Facilitating children’s understanding of how societies are links and the diversities of people’s lives.


Developing a better understanding of our multicultural society through studying links between local, British, European and world geography.
Gaining an understanding of and empathy with, people and cultures.
Understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped our own heritage and area.
Willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities.

British Values


Children will consider what it was like for individuals from different places, countries or continents.
Children will consider themselves in the positions of others (empathy) and the concept of fairness.

Rule of Law

Follow rules in our classroom to protect the rights of all us to an education.
Explore and evaluate the outcomes of meetings of governments and policy makers(e.g. Climate Change Conferences – COP).

Individual Liberty

Children will make choices e.g. what the enquiry question will be or what an artefact was used for.
Children will have differing opinions about country or area they are studying.
Are able to have a freedom of expression whilst respecting others.
Are encouraged as much as possible to develop our independent learning skills to help us take control of our own learning.
Have opportunities to critically examine our own values and attitudes.
Have an opportunity to explore issues surrounding human rights, such as climate change and fair trade.


Children will consider questions about identity and belonging when learning about different places in the world.
Develop our understanding and respect for different cultures through our studies of place and people in both our classroom studies.
Learn to understand and respect the traditions of other cultures.

Mutual Respect

Children will express their opinions and beliefs with mutual respect.
Children will be taught and encouraged to show respect to each other’s beliefs, feelings and opinions by giving each child a forum to share these on with the expectation that these must be listened to.
Working together in groups effectively will show our ability.